Generate samples of synthetic datasets.
Mainly for benchmarks and experiments
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
[docs]def make_transactions(
n_transactions=1000, n_items=100, density=0.5, random_state=None, item_start=0
Generate a transactional dataset with predefined properties
see: https://liris.cnrs.fr/Documents/Liris-3716.pdf
Transaction sizes follow a normal distribution, centered around ``density * n_items``.
Individual items are integer values between 0 and ``n_items``.
n_transactions: int, default=1000
The number of transactions to generate
n_items: int, default=100
The number of indidual items, i.e the size of the set of symbols
density: float, default=0.5
Density of the resulting dataset
random_state : int, RandomState instance, default=None
Determines random number generation for dataset creation. Pass an int
for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
.. F. Flouvat, F. De Marchi, JM. Petit
"A new classification of datasets for frequent itemsets", 2009
>>> from skmine.datasets import make_transactions
>>> make_transactions(n_transactions=5, n_items=20, density=.25) # doctest: +SKIP
0 [0, 6, 18, 10, 1, 12]
1 [2, 18, 10, 14]
2 [4, 5, 1]
3 [10, 11, 16, 19]
4 [9, 4, 19, 8, 12, 5]
dtype: object
With a binary matrix representation of the resulting dataset, we have the following equality
.. math:: density = { Number\ of\ ones \over Number\ of\ cells }
This is equivalent to
.. math:: density = { Average\ transaction\ size \over number\ of\ items }
pd.Series: a Series of shape (``n_transactions``,)
Earch entry is a list of integer values
if not 0.0 < density < 1.0:
raise ValueError("density should be a float value between 0 and 1")
avg_transaction_size = density * n_items
generator = np.random.RandomState(random_state) # pylint: disable= no-member
item_stop = item_start + n_items
choices = np.arange(start=item_start, stop=item_stop)
t_sizes = generator.binomial(
n=avg_transaction_size * 2,
p=0.5, # centered around avg_transaction_size
max_size = t_sizes.max()
if max_size > n_items:
delta = max_size - n_items
t_sizes = np.clip(t_sizes, a_min=t_sizes.min() + delta, a_max=n_items)
D = [generator.choice(choices, size, replace=False) for size in t_sizes]
return pd.Series(D)
[docs]def make_classification(
*, # pylint: disable= too-many-locals
Generate a random n-class classification problem
Acts like sklearn version of make_classification, but produces
transactional data instead. Transactions are drawn from a ``n_items_per_class``
number of items, respecting the ``class_sep`` parameter to ensure transactions
are drawn from different alphabets for different classes.
A ``class_sep`` value of 0.0 will result in transactions being drawn from the
same set of symbols.
Densities can be defined for each class given the ``densities``
n_samples: int, default=100
The number of samples
n_items_per_class: int, default=100
The number of items per class. This is similar to the ``n_features``
parameters in scikit-learn, but operates at a class level.
n_classes: int, default=2
The number of classes (or labels) of the classification problem
weigths, array-like of shape (n_classes,) default=None
The proportions of samples assigned to each class. If None, then classes are balanced
class_sep: float, default=0.2
The factor of different items in different between classes.
Setting this to 1.0 will make classification dummy.
shuffle: boolean, default=True
Shuffle the samples and the labels
random_state: int RandomState instance, default=None
Determines random number generation for dataset creation. Pass an int
for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
D: pd.Series of shape [n_samples, ]
The generated samples
y: pd.Series of shape [n_samples]
Labels associated to D
See also
make_transactions : which is used internally to generate samples
assert n_classes > 0
if densities is None:
densities = [0.5] * n_classes
if weights is None:
weights = [1 / n_classes] * n_classes # balanced by default
assert len(weights) == len(densities) == n_classes
assert 0 <= class_sep <= 1.0
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(weights), 1.0, decimal=2)
res = dict()
padding = 0
for _class in range(n_classes):
_n_samples = int(weights[_class] * n_samples)
density = densities[_class]
transactions = make_transactions(
res[_class] = transactions
# if class_sep == 1.0, then separation is strict
padding += int(n_items_per_class - (n_items_per_class * (1 - class_sep)))
dfs = list()
for _class, transactions in res.items():
df = transactions.to_frame(name="transaction")
df.loc[:, "class"] = _class
df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0)
if shuffle:
df = df.sample(frac=1)
return df["transaction"], df["class"]