LCM: Linear time Closed item set Miner
as described in `http://lig-membres.imag.fr/termier/HLCM/hlcm.pdf`
# Authors: Rémi Adon <remi.adon@gmail.com>
# Luis Galárraga <galarraga@luisgalarraga.de>
# Hermann Courteille <hermann.courteille@irisa.fr>
# Cyril Regan <cyril.regan@loria.fr>
# Thomas Betton <thomas.betton@irisa.fr>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import os
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import takewhile
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from pyroaring import BitMap as Bitmap
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
from skmine.base import TransformerMixin
from ..utils import _check_min_supp
from ..utils import filter_maximal
[docs]class LCM(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):
Linear time Closed item set Miner.
LCM can be used as a **generic purpose** miner, yielding some patterns
that will be later submitted to a custom acceptance criterion.
It can also be used to simply discover the set of **closed itemsets** from
a transactional dataset.
min_supp: int or float, default=0.2
The minimum support for itemsets to be rendered in the output either an int representing the absolute support,
or a float for relative support. By Default to 0.2 (20%)
n_jobs : int, default=1 The number of jobs to use for the computation. Each single item is attributed a job to
discover potential itemsets, considering this item as a root in the search space. **Processes are preferred**
over threads. **Carefully adjust the number of jobs** otherwise the results may be corrupted especially if you
have the following warning: UserWarning: A worker stopped while some jobs were given to the executor.
.. [1] Takeaki Uno, Masashi Kiyomi, Hiroki Arimura
"LCM ver. 2: Efficient mining algorithms for frequent/closed/maximal itemsets", 2004
.. [2] Alexandre Termier
"Pattern mining rock: more, faster, better"
>>> from skmine.itemsets import LCM
>>> from skmine.datasets.fimi import fetch_chess
>>> chess = fetch_chess()
>>> lcm = LCM(min_supp=2000)
>>> patterns = lcm.fit_transform(chess)
>>> patterns.head()
itemset support
0 [58] 3195
1 [52] 3185
2 [52, 58] 3184
3 [29] 3181
4 [29, 58] 3180
>>> patterns[patterns.itemset.map(len) > 3] # doctest: +SKIP
def __init__(self, *, min_supp=0.2, n_jobs=1, verbose=False):
self.min_supp = min_supp # cf docstring: minimum support provided by user
self.n_jobs = n_jobs # number of jobs launched by joblib
self.verbose = verbose
def _more_tags(self):
return {
"non_deterministic": True,
"preserves_dtype": False,
"no_validation": True,
[docs] def fit(self, D, y=None):
fit LCM on the transactional database, by keeping records of singular items
and their transaction ids.
D: pd.Series or iterable
a transactional database. All entries in this D should be lists.
If D is a pandas.Series, then `(D.map(type) == list).all()` should return `True`
y: Ignored
Not used, present here for API consistency by convention.
if any entry in D is not iterable itself OR if any item is not **hashable**
OR if all items are not **comparable** with each other.
self._validate_data(D, force_all_finite=False, accept_sparse=False, ensure_2d=False, ensure_min_samples=1,
n_transactions_ = 0
item_to_tids_ = defaultdict(Bitmap)
for transaction in D:
for item in transaction:
n_transactions_ += 1
if isinstance(self.min_supp, float): # make support absolute if needed
self.min_supp_ = self.min_supp * n_transactions_
self.min_supp_ = self.min_supp
low_supp_items = [k for k, v in item_to_tids_.items() if len(v) < self.min_supp_]
for item in low_supp_items: # drop low freq items
del item_to_tids_[item]
ord_freq_list = sorted(item_to_tids_.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[1]), reverse=True)
ord_freq_dic = defaultdict(Bitmap)
ord_item_freq = []
for idx, element in enumerate(ord_freq_list):
item, tid = element
ord_freq_dic[idx] = tid # rename most frequent item like cat by 0, second dog by 1
self.item_to_tids_ = SortedDict(ord_freq_dic) # {0:tids0, 1:tids1 ....}key item ordered by decreasing frequency
self.ord_item_freq_ = ord_item_freq # [cat, dog, '0', ...] list of ordered item by decreasing frequency
self.n_features_in_ = D.shape[-1] if not isinstance(D, list) else len(D[-1]) # nb items
return self
def _explore_root(self, item, tids, root_file=None):
it = self._inner((frozenset(), tids), item)
columns = ["itemset", "support"] if not self.return_tids_ else ["itemset", "support", "tids"]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=it, columns=columns)
if self.verbose and not df.empty:
print("LCM found {} new itemsets from root item : {}".format(len(df), item))
if root_file is not None: # for writing the items root files in dir self.temp_dir
if os.path.exists(root_file): # delete the root file if it already exists
self.write_df_tofile(root_file, df)
return None
return df
def _inner(self, p_tids, limit):
p, tids = p_tids
# project and reduce DB w.r.t P
cp = (
for item, ids in reversed(self.item_to_tids_.items())
if tids.issubset(ids)
if item not in p
# items are in reverse order, so the first consumed is the max
max_k = next(takewhile(lambda e: e >= limit, cp), None)
if max_k is not None and max_k == limit:
p_prime = (p | set(cp) | {max_k}) # max_k has been consumed when calling next()
# sorted items in ouput for better reproducibility
itemset = [self.ord_item_freq_[ind] for ind in list(p_prime)]
itemset = sorted(itemset) if self.lexicographic_order_ else itemset
if len(itemset) <= self.max_length_ or self.max_length_ == -1:
if not self.return_tids_:
yield itemset, len(tids)
yield itemset, len(tids), tids
candidates = self.item_to_tids_.keys() - p_prime
candidates = candidates[: candidates.bisect_left(limit)]
for new_limit in candidates:
ids = self.item_to_tids_[new_limit]
if tids.intersection_cardinality(ids) >= self.min_supp_:
# new pattern and its associated tids
new_p_tids = (p_prime, tids.intersection(ids))
yield from self._inner(new_p_tids, new_limit)
def write_df_tofile(self, filename, df):
with open(filename, 'w') as fw: # write the items root files
for index, row in df.iterrows():
fw.write(f"({row['support']}) {' '.join(map(str, row['itemset']))}\n")
if self.return_tids_:
fw.write(f"{' '.join(map(str, row['tids']))}\n")
[docs]class LCMMax(LCM, TransformerMixin):
Linear time Closed item set Miner adapted to Maximal itemsets (or borders).
A maximal itemset is an itemset with no frequent superset.
min_supp: int or float, default=0.2
The minimum support for itemsets to be rendered in the output
Either an int representing the absolute support, or a float for relative support
Default to 0.2 (20%)
n_jobs : int, default=1
The number of jobs to use for the computation. Each single item is attributed a job
to discover potential itemsets, considering this item as a root in the search space.
**Processes are preferred** over threads.
See Also
def _inner(self, p_tids, limit):
p, tids = p_tids
# project and reduce DB w.r.t P
cp = (
for item, ids in reversed(self.item_to_tids_.items())
if tids.issubset(ids)
if item not in p
max_k = next(cp, None) # items are in reverse order, so the first consumed is the max
if max_k is not None and max_k == limit:
p_prime = (p | set(cp) | {max_k}) # max_k has been consumed when calling next()
candidates = self.item_to_tids_.keys() - p_prime
candidates = candidates[: candidates.bisect_left(limit)]
no_cand = True
for new_limit in candidates:
ids = self.item_to_tids_[new_limit]
if tids.intersection_cardinality(ids) >= self.min_supp_:
no_cand = False
# get new pattern and its associated tids
new_p_tids = (p_prime, tids.intersection(ids))
yield from self._inner(new_p_tids, new_limit)
if no_cand: # only if no child node. This is how we PRE-check for maximality
itemset = set([self.ord_item_freq_[ind] for ind in p_prime])
if not self.return_tids_:
yield itemset, len(tids)
yield itemset, len(tids), tids
setattr(transform, "__doc__", LCM.transform.__doc__.replace("closed", "maximal"))
setattr(transform, "__doc__", LCM.transform.__doc__.split("Example")[0])