"""Periodic pattern mining with a MDL criterion"""
import copy
import json
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from skmine.base import TransformerMixin
from .data_sequence import DataSequence
from .pattern import Pattern, getEDict, draw_pattern
from .pattern_collection import PatternCollection
from .run_mine import mine_seqs
# Authors: Rémi Adon <remi.adon@gmail.com>
# Esther Galbrun <esther.galbrun@inria.fr>
# Cyril Regan <cyril.regan@loria.fr>
# Thomas Betton <thomas.betton@irisa.fr>
# Hermann Courteille <hermann.courteille@irisa.fr>
# License: BSD 3 clause
[docs]class PeriodicPatternMiner(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):
Mining periodic cycles with a MDL Criterion
PeriodicPatternMiner is an approach to mine periodic cycles from event logs
while relying on a Minimum Description Length (MDL) criterion to evaluate
candidate cycles. The goal here is to extract a set of cycles that characterizes
the periodic structure present in the data
A cycle is defined a 5-tuple of the form
.. math:: \\alpha, r, p, \\tau, E
- :math:`\\alpha` is the `repeating event`
- :math:`r` is the number of repetitions of the event, called the `cycle length`
- :math:`p` is the inter-occurrence distance, called the `cycle period`
- :math:`\\tau` is the index of the first occurrence, called the `cycle starting point`
- :math:`E` is a list of :math:`r - 1` signed integer offsets, i.e `cycle shift corrections`
complex: boolean
True : compute complex pattern with horizontal and vertical combinations.
False: compute only simple cycles.
auto_time_scale: boolean
True : preprocessing on time data index in nano-second. Compute automatically the timescale for mining cycles by removing
extra zeros on time index and possibly change unit from second to upper ones
False: no preprocessing on time data index in nano-second
>>> from skmine.periodic import PeriodicPatternMiner
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> S = pd.Series("ring_a_bell", [10, 20, 32, 40, 60, 79, 100, 240])
>>> pcm = PeriodicPatternMiner().fit(S)
>>> pcm.transform(S)
t0 pattern repetition_major period_major sum_E
0 20 (ring_a_bell)[r=5 p=20] 5 20 2
.. [1]
Galbrun, E & Cellier, P & Tatti, N & Termier, A & Crémilleux, B
"Mining Periodic Pattern with a MDL Criterion"
def __init__(self, complex=True, auto_time_scale=True):
self.complex = complex
self.auto_time_scale = auto_time_scale
def _more_tags(self):
return {
"non_deterministic": True,
"no_validation": True,
"preserves_dtype": [],
"requires_y": False, # default for transformer
"X_types": ['2darray']
[docs] def fit(self, S, y=None):
"""fit PeriodicPatternMiner on data logs
This generates new candidate cycles and evaluate them.
Residual occurrences are stored as an internal attribute,
for later reconstruction (MDL is lossless)
S: pd.Series
logs, represented as a pandas Series
This pandas Series must have an index of type in
(pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.RangeIndex, pd.Int64Index)
self._validate_data(S, force_all_finite=False, accept_sparse=False, ensure_2d=False,
ensure_min_samples=2, dtype=str)
if not isinstance(S, pd.Series):
raise TypeError("S must be a pandas Series")
if not isinstance(S.index, INDEX_TYPES):
raise TypeError(f"S must have an index with a type amongst {INDEX_TYPES}")
self.is_datetime_ = isinstance(S.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)
serie = S.copy(deep=True)
if serie.index.duplicated().any(): # there are potentially duplicates, i.e. occurrences that happened at the
# same time AND with the same event. At this line, the second condition is not yet verified.
len_S = len(serie)
serie = serie.groupby(by=serie.index).apply(lambda x: x.drop_duplicates())
# if same time and same event, create Multi inde names =[timestamp, timestamp]
diff = len_S - len(serie)
if diff:
serie = serie.reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
warnings.warn(f"found {diff} duplicates in the input sequence, they have been removed.")
S_times_nano = serie.index.astype("int64")
verbose = False
if self.auto_time_scale:
converted_times_res, n_digit_nano_shifted, resolution, div_nb_sec = autoscale_time_unit(S_times_nano,
serie.index = converted_times_res
self.n_zeros_ = n_digit_nano_shifted
self.div_nb_sec_ = div_nb_sec
serie.index = S_times_nano
resolution = "nano-second"
self.div_nb_sec_ = 1
# TODO : merge self.div_nb_sec_ and self.n_zeros_ to just one number, by which nano-seconds are divided
self.resolution = resolution
if verbose:
print(f"Adjusted unit time for algorithm : {self.resolution}")
self.alpha_groups_ = serie.groupby(serie.values).groups
# associates to each event (key) its associated datetimes (list of values)
cpool, data_details, pc = mine_seqs(dict(self.alpha_groups_), complex=self.complex)
self.data_details_ = data_details
self.miners_ = pc
# self.cl, self.clRonly, self.clR, self.nb_simple, self.nbR, self.nbC = self.miners_.strDetailed(
# self.data_details_)
return self
[docs] def export_patterns(self, file="patterns.json"):
"""Export pattern into a json file
file: string
name of the json file
# allows us to call export_patterns without explicitly calling transform method before
dummy_var = 17
big_dict_list = [i for i in self.cycles["pattern_json_tree"].values]
data_dict = self.alpha_groups_.copy()
for k, v in data_dict.items():
data_dict[k] = v.to_list()
big_dict = {
"is_datetime_": self.is_datetime_,
"n_zeros_": self.n_zeros_,
"div_nb_sec_": self.div_nb_sec_,
"data_details": data_dict,
"patterns": big_dict_list
big_json_str = json.dumps(big_dict)
with open(file, "w") as f:
[docs] def import_patterns(self, file="patterns.json"):
"""Import pattern into a json file
file: string
name of the json file
with open(file, "r") as f:
big_dict = json.load(f)
self.n_zeros_ = big_dict["n_zeros_"]
self.div_nb_sec_ = big_dict["div_nb_sec_"]
self.is_datetime_ = big_dict["is_datetime_"]
self.data_details_ = DataSequence(dict(big_dict["data_details"]))
big_dict_list = big_dict["patterns"]
patterns_list = []
for pseudo_pat in big_dict_list:
pattern = Pattern()
pattern.next_id = pseudo_pat.pop("next_id")
t0 = pseudo_pat.pop("t0")
E = pseudo_pat.pop("E")
pattern.nodes = _iterdict_str_to_int_keys(pseudo_pat)
patterns_list.append((pattern, t0, E))
patterns_collection = PatternCollection(patterns=patterns_list)
self.miners_ = patterns_collection
[docs] def reconstruct(self, *patterns_id, sort="time", drop_duplicates=None):
"""Reconstruct all the occurrences from patterns (no argument), or the
occurrences of selected patterns (with a patterns'id list as argument).
patterns_id: None or List
None (when `reconstruct()` is called) : Reconstruct all occurrences of the patterns
List : of pattern id : Reconstruct occurrences of the patterns ids
sort: string
"time" (by default) : sort by occurrences time
"event" : sort by event names
"construction_order" : sort by pattern reconstruction
drop_duplicates: bool, default=True
An occurrence can appear in several patterns and thus appear several times in the reconstruction.
To remove duplicates, set drop_duplicates to True otherwise to False to keep them.
In the natural order of pattern construction, it is best to set the `drop_duplicates` variable to False
for better understanding.
The reconstructed dataset
if drop_duplicates is None:
drop_duplicates = sort != "construction_order"
reconstruct_list = []
map_ev = self.data_details_.getNumToEv()
if not patterns_id:
patterns_id = range(len(self.miners_.getPatterns()))
patterns_id = patterns_id[0]
for pattern_id in patterns_id:
(p, t0, E) = self.miners_.getPatterns()[pattern_id]
occsStar = p.getOccsStar()
Ed = getEDict(occsStar, E)
occs = p.getOccs(occsStar, t0, Ed)
for k, occ in enumerate(occs):
if self.auto_time_scale:
time0 = occ * 10 ** self.n_zeros_ * self.div_nb_sec_ # restore time in nano-second
time0 = occ
dict_ = {'time': time0,
"event": map_ev[occsStar[k][1]]}
reconstruct_pd = pd.DataFrame(reconstruct_list)
if self.is_datetime_:
reconstruct_pd['time'] = reconstruct_pd['time'].astype("datetime64[ns]")
reconstruct_pd['time'] = reconstruct_pd['time'].astype("int64")
if sort == "time":
reconstruct_pd = reconstruct_pd.sort_values(by=['time'])
elif sort == "event":
reconstruct_pd = reconstruct_pd.sort_values(by=['event'])
# some events can be in multiple patterns : need to remove duplicates
if drop_duplicates:
reconstruct_pd = reconstruct_pd.drop_duplicates()
return reconstruct_pd
[docs] def get_residuals(self, *patterns_id, sort="time"):
"""Get all residual occurrences, i.e. events not covered by any pattern (no argument)
or get the complementary occurrences of the selected patterns (with a patterns'id list as argument).
patterns_id: None or list
None (when `reconstruct()` is called) : complementary of all patterns occurrences
List of pattern id : complementary of patterns ids occurrences
sort: string
"time" (by default) : sort by occurrences time
"event" : sort by event names
anything else : sort by pattern reconstruction
residual events
if not patterns_id:
patterns_id = range(len(self.miners_.getPatterns()))
patterns_id = patterns_id[0]
map_ev = self.data_details_.getNumToEv()
residuals = self.miners_.getUncoveredOccs(self.data_details_)
residuals_transf_list = []
for res in residuals:
if self.auto_time_scale:
time0 = res[0] * 10 ** self.n_zeros_ * self.div_nb_sec_ # restore time in nano-second
time0 = res[0]
dict_ = {"time": time0, "event": map_ev[res[1]]}
residuals_transf_pd = pd.DataFrame(residuals_transf_list)
if self.auto_time_scale and self.is_datetime_:
residuals_transf_pd['time'] = residuals_transf_pd['time'].astype("datetime64[ns]")
residuals_transf_pd['time'] = residuals_transf_pd['time'].astype("int64")
reconstruct_ = self.reconstruct(patterns_id)
reconstruct_all = self.reconstruct()
complementary_reconstruct = reconstruct_all[~reconstruct_all.isin(reconstruct_)].dropna()
if pd.merge(reconstruct_all, residuals_transf_pd, how='inner').empty:
residuals_transf_pd = pd.concat([residuals_transf_pd, complementary_reconstruct], ignore_index=True)
warnings.warn("residuals and complementary of reconstruct have common patterns")
residuals_transf_pd = pd.concat([residuals_transf_pd, complementary_reconstruct], ignore_index=True)
if sort == "time":
residuals_transf_pd = residuals_transf_pd.sort_values(by=['time'])
elif sort == "event":
residuals_transf_pd = residuals_transf_pd.sort_values(by=['event'])
return residuals_transf_pd
[docs] def draw_pattern(self, pattern_id, directory=None):
Visually display a pattern based on its id from the transform command.
pattern_id : int
The ID of the pattern to be displayed. This ID is to be retrieved directly from the transform command.
directory : str, default=None
Directory where the generated image and the DOT file are stored
The generated tree. To see it in a python script, you have to add .view()
# transform must have been called before draw_pattern
if self.cycles is None:
raise Exception("transform must have been called before draw_pattern")
pattern = copy.deepcopy(self.cycles.loc[pattern_id]["pattern_json_tree"])
# map each event id to its real textual name
for nid in pattern.keys():
if isinstance(nid, int):
if "event" in pattern[nid].keys():
pattern[nid]["event"] = list(self.data_details_.map_ev_num.keys())[int(pattern[nid]["event"])]
elif "p" in pattern[nid].keys():
if self.auto_time_scale:
pattern[nid]["p"] *= (10 ** self.n_zeros_ * self.div_nb_sec_) # restore time in nano-second
if self.is_datetime_:
pattern[nid]["p"] = timedelta(microseconds=pattern[nid]["p"] / 1000)
for i, child in enumerate(pattern[nid]["children"]):
new_distance = child[1]
if i != 0 and self.auto_time_scale:
new_distance = child[1] * (
10 ** self.n_zeros_ * self.div_nb_sec_) # restore time in nano-second
if self.is_datetime_:
new_distance = timedelta(microseconds=new_distance / 1000)
pattern[nid]["children"][i] = (child[0], new_distance)
elif nid == "t0":
if self.auto_time_scale:
pattern["t0"] *= (10 ** self.n_zeros_ * self.div_nb_sec_) # restore time in nano-second
if self.is_datetime_:
pattern["t0"] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(pattern["t0"] / 1_000_000_000)
graph = draw_pattern(pattern)
if directory:
return graph
def autoscale_time_unit(S_times_nano, verbose=True):
""" Convert times from nano-seconds to upper unit , between ns and second, or in {second, min, hour, day}
S_times_nano: np.ndarray
all timestamps in nano-second
converted_times : np.ndarray
all times converted to one of the unit {second, min, hour, day}
n_digit_nano_shifted: int
number of digit shifted from nano to eventually second
resolution : str
name of new unit time
div_nb_sec : int
number by which original times have been divided { - , 60, 3600, 24*3600}
shifted_times_in_nano, n_digit_nano_shifted = _shift_from_nano_to_sec(S_times_nano)
if verbose:
print(f"Auto_time_scale option: times in nano are divided by 10^{n_digit_nano_shifted}")
if n_digit_nano_shifted < 9:
converted_times = shifted_times_in_nano
resolution = 'under_second'
div_nb_sec = 1
elif n_digit_nano_shifted == 9:
converted_times, div_nb_sec, adjusted_resolution = shift_from_sec_to_upper_unit(shifted_times_in_nano)
resolution = adjusted_resolution
if verbose and div_nb_sec > 1:
print(f"Auto_time_scale option: times in s are divided by {div_nb_sec} ")
return converted_times, n_digit_nano_shifted, resolution, div_nb_sec
def shift_from_sec_to_upper_unit(original_times_in_sec: np.ndarray) -> tuple:
""" Convert times in second to a un upper unit {min, hour, day} , if no seconds are present in times ...
original_times_in_sec: np.ndarray
all timestamps in unit second
if (original_times_in_sec % 60 != 0).any():
resolution = "second"
div_nb = 1
if (original_times_in_sec % (24 * 3600) == 0).all():
resolution = 'day'
div_nb = 24 * 3600
elif (original_times_in_sec % 3600 == 0).all():
resolution = "hour"
div_nb = 3600
elif (original_times_in_sec % 60 == 0).all():
resolution = 'minute'
div_nb = 60
converted_times_res = original_times_in_sec // div_nb
return converted_times_res, div_nb, resolution
def _shift_from_nano_to_sec(times_nano: np.ndarray) -> tuple:
""" Drop all zeros on right side, common to all unix times in nano-second
1s = 1_000_000_000 nano-second
times_nano: np.ndarray
all timestamps in nano-second
assert times_nano.dtype == np.int64
n_unit_shifted = 0
converted_times = np.copy(times_nano)
second_digit_rank = 9
while (converted_times % 10 == 0).all() and n_unit_shifted < second_digit_rank:
converted_times //= 10
n_unit_shifted += 1
return converted_times, n_unit_shifted
def _iterdict_str_to_int_keys(dict_):
"""This function will recursively cast all string-keys to int-keys, if possible. If not possible the key-type
will remain unchanged.
correctedDict = {}
for key, value in dict_.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
value = [_iterdict_str_to_int_keys(item) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in value]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
value = _iterdict_str_to_int_keys(value)
key = int(key)
except Exception:
correctedDict[key] = value
return correctedDict